SecSign ID Plugin: Bamboo on-premise Setups with SAML

2018-04-07 5 minutes to read
Tutorial Index

Protect your Bamboo Account with secure authentication from SecSign ID

Simply integrate the SecSign ID Two-Factor Authentication plugin and offer your users secure authentication with your Bamboo system, including convenient SSO setups. Connect your on-premise directory service for simple user management and added two-factor authentication security. Use SecSign ID Bamboo two-factor authentication for your Bamboo account with SAML to securely protect all your data and access points and . Works for iOS or Android mobile devices as well as for desktop.

Bamboo is a continuous integration and continuous deployment server. It was developed by the company Atlassian. Bamboo has comprehensive features and a high adaptability. Thus, the functionality of Bamboo can be optionally expanded or adapted by using plugins (add-on’s).
SecSign ID is a plugin for real two-factor authentication (2FA) for Bamboo. 2FA adds another layer of security to your installation by using a second token. In this case the physical token is your smartphone.

For on-premise Bamboo protection without SAML please refer to our guide on the integration of our SecSign ID on-premise Bamboo plugin.

Bamboo on-premise protection

Questions? Feel free to get in touch with us if you need help setting up your SecSign ID plugin or to request a plugin for a not yet supported environment.

Integration in your setup

Integration of the plugin into your setup

SecSign ID Integration

Please configure your desired integration of the SecSign ID Two Factor Authentication

Choose a system, where you want to add the secure login

Do you need your own ID Server inside your protected network or prefer if we manage and maintain it for you

The location to save the assigned SecSign IDs to a user account or the IDM alltogether

System to protect
The System you want to protect - Choose a system, where you want to add the secure login
SecSign ID Server location
Do you need your own ID Server inside your protected network or prefer if we manage and maintain it for you
User account location
The system to save the assigned SecSign IDs to a user account or the IDM alltogether
edit the settings to change the integration
2FA blind
2FA no AP
2SA no AP
2SA blind
Custom ID
IDP Custom Website
Enrollment initiated by SP
Enrollment with IDM
Show Network
Hide Network
Request Solution
The authentication was successful


To integrate the SecSign ID Two-Factor Authentication with Bamboo you first need to setup an account with Bamboo and have administrative access rights. More information about setting up an account and managing user rights are available on the Bamboo website.

You also need access to the SecSign ID administrative panel. If you need assistance managing your administrative account please contact us.

SecSig ID Settings

Edit SecSig ID administrative Settings

Log-in to the administration page of the SecSign ID Server and navigate to SAML Service Provider from the menu. Select “New SAML service provider”.

Enter the following parameter in the corresponding fields.

Name for example: Bamboo

NameID Attribute store: SecSign ID Server
NameID source attribute: SecSign ID
Please leave Format blank.

Service Provider Issuer: https://< your Bamboo server >/plugins/servlet/samlsso
SAML response URL: https://< your Bamboo server >/plugins/servlet/samlsso
RelayState left blank
Audience Restriction: https://< your Bamboo server >/plugins/servlet/samlsso
Auth Context left blank

User group to sign: The user group to which you have assigned a
technical user owning the private key to sign SAML responses.
user group name: “SAML response signers.”
Hash algorithm: Server selects.
PSS padding: Server selects.
No SAML attributes selected.

Save the settings.

Navigate to “User groups” and select the user groups whose members shall be allowed to log-in at your Bamboo server.

Double click the newly created SAML Service Provider in the list and
then copy the URL beside “Import the IdP SAML meta data from this URL”.

Bamboo Settings

Edit the Bamboo administrative settings

Use a different browser to log-in at your Bamboo server. Navigate to the Add-on Menu. Select “SAML Single Sign On (SSO) for Bamboo by Resolution Reichert Network Solutions GmbH” and install it.

Go to the SAML Single Sign-On Plugin Configuration.
Select Add an IdP and enter the following parameter:

IdP Type: Import Metadata from URL
Name for example: SecSign ID
Description (for example): SecSign ID Server

Click next.

Paste the metadata URL copied from the SecSign ID Server.
Click Import, followed by Next.

No changes needed in the dialog “User ID attribute and transformation”.

Continue and check “Enable User creation or update” if necessary.

Save the settings and select Next since you already set-up the IdP (the SecSign ID server).

Start the test and verify a successful SecSign ID log-in.

Then click on Next.
Check “Enable SSO Redirect” if required.

Select “No redirection after logout”, then Save and Close.

We offer SAML solutions for any setup – tailored for your needs

Do you have a service that needs SAML two-factor authentication protection? You didn’t find any information about your setup? We offer custom solutions for almost any SAML setup. Message us for a fast and convenient solution for your service.

    Do you intend to operate the SecSign ID Two-Factor Authentication server On-Premise or in the cloud?

    Your own ID-Server

    On premise installations of SecSign ID offer the flexibility to connect with your preferred servers, services, and devices. And you can customize the SecSign ID with your own organization’s branding.

    Learn More
    On Premise 2FA ID

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