SecSignID: Atlassian JIRA and Confluence IP-IPSafeZone

2017-12-13 5 minutes to read
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Add an additional layer of protection with the IPSafeZone authentication

This tutorial describes the IPSafeZone authentication with the SecSignID Plugins for Atlassian Services like Jira or Confluence



While the SecSign ID two-factor authentication offers the highest level of security for your company logins, but a two-factor authentication may be unnecessary in some cases.

Most self-hosted (on-premise) Atlassian services like JIRA and Confluence are used in internal networks for internal access. The infrastructure in those cases is usually restrictive to outside access and access is only available to internally identified users. With the SecSign ID IPSafeZone extension those users do not need to authenticate with an additional second factor. Only access via external logins need to authenticate with the additional second factor.

With the IPSafeZone Option a secure IP-Zone is defined. If an user is within this IP-Zone he does not need to authenticate via the two-factor authentication but with a less secure user name and password authentication. If the user is outside of that IP-Zone he needs to authenticate with the SecSign ID Two-Factor Authentication or, if activated, with the 2-step authentication.

The IP-Zone is defined as A.B.C.D – E.F.G.H format and includes all IPs within these boundaries. For example – includes

For information about the integration of the SecSign ID Two-Factor Authentication plugin for JIRA, Confluence or other Atlassian services please see our Atlassian Plugin overview.

Questions? Feel free to get in touch with us if you need help setting up your SecSign ID plugin or to request a plugin for a not yet supported environment.

Atlassian Overview Contact us



To activate the IPSafeZone feature for your JIRA and Confluence users you first need to setup the SecSign ID Atlassian plugin. More information about the plugins and the tutorial on the respective setup are available in our Atlassian overview.


To activate the feature you also need administrative rights as well as a corresponding SecSign ID that is assigned to your user name.


Limitations with IPSafeZone

To activate the IPSafeZone at least one administrator needs to have a SecSign ID assigned to. User without a designated SecSign ID can not login until they are assigned an ID for the authentication.

Also, users can not be assigned more than one SecSign ID because a definite assignment of the user to an ID is no longer possible. User without a SecSign ID need to have an ID assigned to by an administrator to be able to login with the 2SA procedure.

Activate 2SA

Activate Two-Step Authentication

To activate the SecSign ID IPSafeZone for Atlassian services please navigate to Administration – User management. Set the check mark at “Activate IPSafeZone” to activate the feature and define an IP-range.

If the option change own IDs is activated, the user can change his ID in his profile. The administrator can always change all IDs in all profiles. If this option is deactivated only the administrator can change the IDs, not the user.

No Patch Work Solutions:
Two-Factor Authentiacation for all your Atlassian services.


Secure your Confluence system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Jira system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Crowd system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Bitbucket system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Bamboo system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure 2FA for Identity Federation with Active Directory.
All Atlassian Plugins can be secured with our SecSign-SAML-Plugin.
Secure all interfaces between your Atlassian system and external apps with our OAuth Plugin.
Secure your REST interfaces with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.

Why SecSignID?

Die 2FA von SecSign ist die stärkste Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf dem Markt! Profitieren Sie von unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten der Integration. Für so gut wie jedes Login bietet SecSign eine Absicherung. Auch für komnplizierte Nutzermanagement-Situationen, wie beispielse Nutzer in und außerhalb eines AD hat SecSign unkomplizierte Lösungen parat.


Inhouse- oder Cloudlösung

Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in der Cloud, oder volle Kontrolle und individuelle Anpasungen durch eine Inhouse Lösung.

Sichere Authentifizierung

Passwörter sind nicht sicher. Sichern Sie Ihre Logins und somit Ihre Unternehmensdaten mit unserer echten Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ab.

Schützen Sie ALLE Logins

Integration in sämtliche Loginumgebungen; Web, Lokal, VPN, Remote Desktop, Mobile Logins und Plugins für nahezu alle Umgebungen.

Einfache Integration

Unsere Plugins lassen sich leicht in Ihre Systeme integrieren und ohne großen Aufwand auch für eine große Nutzerzahl aktivieren.

Unkompliziertes Nutzermanagement

Schützen Sie Ihr Active/Directory/LDAP mit der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung und erstellen Sie dadruch Ihr individuelles Identitäts- und Zugangsmanagement mit zahlreichen Sicherheitseinstellungen.

App Integration

Mit unserer Anwendungsfertigen SDK können Sie ganz einfach die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in bestehende Apps integrieren. Alternativ erstellen wir eine App mit Ihrem Unternehmens Look-and-Feel.

Your own ID-Server

On premise installations of SecSign ID offer the flexibility to connect with your preferred servers, services, and devices. And you can customize the SecSign ID with your own organization’s branding.

Learn More
On Premise 2FA ID

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