SecSignID Jira Rest API OAuth

2017-11-22 9 minutes to read
Tutorial Index

Two-Factor-Authentication for Jira Rest API OAuth

The following tutorial describes the configuration to use Two-Factor Authentication with SecSign ID Plugin on a third party application using Jira REST API


Overview & Quickstart

JIRA is a web application for operational project management as well as for error management and troubleshooting. There are many 3rd party apps available, which can access Jira, to post, update or modify content. Many companies maintain their own on-premise solutions, to access Jira data in their own applications.

Those 3rd party applications use the Jira REST API to exchange information. The following tutorial describes why you should set up OAuth with SecSignID to secure your Jira REST API.

SecSign ID is a plugin for real two-factor authentication (2FA) for Jira. 2FA adds another layer of security to your installation by using a second token. In this case the physical token is your smartphone.

If you seek for more information about about two-factor authentication have a look at the Jira Marketplace or our Github site.


Integration in your setup

Integration of the plugin into your setup

SecSign ID Integration

Please configure your desired integration of the SecSign ID Two Factor Authentication

Choose a system, where you want to add the secure login

Do you need your own ID Server inside your protected network or prefer if we manage and maintain it for you

The location to save the assigned SecSign IDs to a user account or the IDM alltogether

System to protect
The System you want to protect - Choose a system, where you want to add the secure login
SecSign ID Server location
Do you need your own ID Server inside your protected network or prefer if we manage and maintain it for you
User account location
The system to save the assigned SecSign IDs to a user account or the IDM alltogether
edit the settings to change the integration
2FA blind
2FA no AP
2SA no AP
2SA blind
Custom ID
IDP Custom Website
Enrollment initiated by SP
Enrollment with IDM
Show Network
Hide Network
Request Solution
The authentication was successful
Login options

Login options with Jira REST

The Jira REST API is the primary way to interact with Jira remotely, whether you are building an app, scripting interactions with Jira or developing any other integration:

OAuth Authentication

If you are integrating directly with the Jira Cloud REST APIs it is recommended to use OAuth authentication method. The OAuth authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to Jira resources. The third-party apps won’t store protected data like user passwords or credentials. OAuth is the recommended way to authenticate users to the Jira REST API. Read more about OAuth and SecSignID

Basic Authentication

For implementations with low security requirements, such as scripts and bots, it is possible to use Basic authentication method. It utilizes just plain old user credentials with name and password. Those credentials are transmitted in plain text and pose a security risk.



A great starting guide to the Jira REST API with OAuth authentication is described in the Jira Developer Tutorial:

Jira REST OAuth Doc

After Jira was set up properly, you have to register your 3rd party application under Administration > Applications > Application links.

Your client will require the following URLs to be able to make authentication requests to JIRA:

OAuth Config Value
request token url JIRA_BASE_URL + /plugins/servlet/oauth/request-token
authorization url JIRA_BASE_URL + /plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize
access token url JIRA_BASE_URL + /plugins/servlet/oauth/access-token
OAuth Client

OAuth Client

The third-party app or client can be in whatever language you prefer, it just needs to implement the OAuth protocol. OAuth offers a collection of libraries and services that support OAuth 2.0 for common languages like Java, Php, Swift, Python, Ruby and so on.

At the moment Oauth 2.0 is only available for Atlassian Connect add-ons. For REST API calls, only Oauth is supported.

The Jira Tutorial also offers an example client ( in java. You can find example clients in Perl, Php, Python, Ruby etc. in the bitbucket repository.

SecSignID Plugin needs to be installed in your Jira instance. Follow the instructions to set up SecSignID in Jira:

Jira SecSign Tutorial

Refer to the Jira Tutorial OAuth on how to obtain a request token with the example client. After obtaining the request token from JIRA, you will get the access URL. The user needs to open the URL, in a browser or internal web view, to authenticate with Jira. If the SecSignID plugin is set up correctly, your users will be able to authenticate via their SecSignID.

Jira will ask, if you give the third-party app the permission to read and write content under your account. After approving the access, Jira will confirm that you have successfully authorized the access. It gives a verification code which you’ll need to get the access token like described in the Jira Tutorial.

No Patch Work Solutions:
Two-Factor Authentiacation for all your Atlassian services.


Secure your Confluence system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Jira system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Crowd system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Bitbucket system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure your Bamboo system with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.
Secure 2FA for Identity Federation with Active Directory.
All Atlassian Plugins can be secured with our SecSign-SAML-Plugin.
Secure all interfaces between your Atlassian system and external apps with our OAuth Plugin.
Secure your REST interfaces with SecSign Two-Factor Authentication.

Why SecSignID?

Die 2FA von SecSign ist die stärkste Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf dem Markt! Profitieren Sie von unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten der Integration. Für so gut wie jedes Login bietet SecSign eine Absicherung. Auch für komnplizierte Nutzermanagement-Situationen, wie beispielse Nutzer in und außerhalb eines AD hat SecSign unkomplizierte Lösungen parat.


Inhouse- oder Cloudlösung

Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in der Cloud, oder volle Kontrolle und individuelle Anpasungen durch eine Inhouse Lösung.

Sichere Authentifizierung

Passwörter sind nicht sicher. Sichern Sie Ihre Logins und somit Ihre Unternehmensdaten mit unserer echten Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ab.

Schützen Sie ALLE Logins

Integration in sämtliche Loginumgebungen; Web, Lokal, VPN, Remote Desktop, Mobile Logins und Plugins für nahezu alle Umgebungen.

Einfache Integration

Unsere Plugins lassen sich leicht in Ihre Systeme integrieren und ohne großen Aufwand auch für eine große Nutzerzahl aktivieren.

Unkompliziertes Nutzermanagement

Schützen Sie Ihr Active/Directory/LDAP mit der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung und erstellen Sie dadruch Ihr individuelles Identitäts- und Zugangsmanagement mit zahlreichen Sicherheitseinstellungen.

App Integration

Mit unserer Anwendungsfertigen SDK können Sie ganz einfach die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in bestehende Apps integrieren. Alternativ erstellen wir eine App mit Ihrem Unternehmens Look-and-Feel.

Your own ID-Server

On premise installations of SecSign ID offer the flexibility to connect with your preferred servers, services, and devices. And you can customize the SecSign ID with your own organization’s branding.

Learn More
On Premise 2FA ID

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